Original content owned & copyrighted by Green Global Travel.
The Green Global Travel team has been fortunate to explore some of the most exciting Arctic destinations in Europe and North America.
From cruising Alaska and hanging with polar bears in Churchill, Manitoba to chasing waterfalls in Iceland and climbing glaciers in the Fjords of Norway, the Arctic has been home to some of our favorite outdoor adventures.
As wildlife lovers, it’s also a thrill to see the diverse assortment of Arctic animals that somehow manages to thrive there despite their harsh environment.
From Arctic tundra animals such as Reindeer and Arctic Foxes to marine mammals like Polar Bears and numerous species of Whales, animals that live in the Arctic are increasingly endangered by the global climate crisis.
As oceans warm and sea ice continues to shrink, these polar animals are seriously struggling to survive. So here’s a look at 30 of the region’s key species of wildlife, from Arctic birds and mammals to cetaceans and other ocean animals.
![Arctic Tern by adriankirby from Pixabay](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Birds-of-the-Arctic_arctic-tern-by-adriankirby-from-Pixabay.jpg)
Latin Name: Sterna paradisea
Habitat: Arctic and subarctic areas of North America, Asia, and Europe
Size: Length 11 to 15.3 in; Weight 3.2 to 4.2 oz
Diet: Fish, crustaceans
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Other Arctic Tern Facts: Although they’re one of the most commonly seen birds of the Arctic, Arctic Terns stand out by holding the record for the longest distance migration of any bird. They migrate around 25,000 miles each year, flying all the way from the Arctic to Antarctica.
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![Horned Puffins in Alaska (Glacier Bay National Park)](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Horned-Puffins-in-Glacier-Bay-NP.jpg)
Latin Name: Fratercula arctica
Habitat: Northern Atlantic coast during breeding season, open ocean otherwise
Size: Length 10.2 to 11.4 in; Weight 10.9 to 19.4 oz
Diet: Fish, crustaceans, mollusks
Conservation Status: Vulnerable, population decreasing
Other Atlantic Puffin Facts: Sporting a large, colorful bill and peculiar stature, the Atlantic Puffin is known as the “clown of the sea.” It’s also the official bird of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. While they do breed on land, they spend most of the year exploring the open ocean, diving down for fish and other small sea life to eat.
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![Bald Eagle in Alaska, Kenai National Park](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Bald-Eagle-in-Kenai-NP.jpg)
Latin Name: Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Habitat: Wetlands, coasts, and marshes across North America
Size: Length 28 to 40 in; Weight 6.6 to 14 pounds
Diet: Fish, waterfowl, small mammals
Conservation Status: Least Concern, population increasing
Other Bald Eagle Facts: Most famous as the national bird of the U.S., these majestic birds of prey can be found all across North America. Contrary to their name, the Bald Eagle isn’t actually bald. The feathers on the top of their head just change from brown to white when they have reached sexual maturity.
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Latin Name: Lagopus muta
Habitat: Arctic and alpine tundra
Size: Length 12.6 to 15.8 in; Weight 1 to 1.4 pounds
Diet: Seeds, buds, leaves
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Other Rock Ptarmigan Facts: These Arctic tundra birds nest in the northernmost part of the world, where the climate can be extremely cold. To combat frigid temperatures, their feet are covered with feathers that help them maintain their body heat. They also have a distinctive camouflage, transforming from white in winter to a spotty brown for the summer.
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Latin Name: Bubo scandiacus
Habitat: Arctic tundra in Eurasia and North America
Size: Length 20.5 to 27.9 in; Weight 3.5 to 5.6 pounds
Diet: Lemmings, ptarmigan, waterfowl, small rodents
Conservation Status: Vulnerable, Population Decreasing
Other Snowy Owl Facts: One of the most famous Arctic birds, the Snowy Owl was made popular by being Harry Potter’s birthday gift from Hagrid. They’re relatively easy to spot because, unlike most owls that are nocturnal, Snowy Owls are diurnal, meaning they are active and hunt during the day.
READ MORE: Churchill, Manitoba Tundra Wildlife Photo Essay
![Steller's Eider](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Stellers_Eider_Polysticta_stelleri.jpg)
Latin Name: Polysticta stelleri
Habitat: Arctic tundra near ponds and lagoons
Size: Length 16.9 to 17.7 in; Weight 1.8 to 1.9 pounds
Diet: Insect larvae, aquatic plants, echnioderms
Conservation Status: Vulnerable, Population Decreasing
Other Steller’s Eider Facts: Steller’s Eider is the smallest and fastest of the Eiders. It’s known by the Inupiat Eskimo as “the bird that sat in the campfire,” due to the burnt coloring of their underside. They tend to travel in large flocks in the winter, and can often be seen diving in unison, creating a spray on the water and then resurfacing together.
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![Arctic Fox by dclobes from Pixabay](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Artic-Mammals_artic-fox-by-dclobes-from-Pixabay-1.jpg)
Latin Name: Vulpes lagopus
Habitat: Arctic and alpine tundra
Size: Height 9.8 to 12 in; Length 2.3 to 3.6 feet; Weight 3.1 to 21 pounds
Diet: Lemmings, rodents, fish, birds, eggs, seaweed
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Other Arctic Fox Facts: With their short legs and ears, compact bodies, small muzzle, and seasonal camouflage, these adorable tundra animals are well adapted to their wintry habitat. Their bushy tails help to keep them warm by curling around their faces, acting as a blanket. They can occasionally be seen pouncing on ice to catch small voles and other prey hidden below.
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Latin Name: Lepus articus
Habitat: North American tundra
Size: Length 17 to 28 inches; Weight 5.5 to 15 pounds
Diet: Mosses, lichens, buds, berries, leaves, roots
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Other Arctic Hare Facts: The Arctic Hare is prime prey for many animals, and often uses their speed to get away, running as fast as 40 mph. To adapt to their climate, they will dig shelters in snow and huddle together for warmth. They are also one of the many animals in the Arctic that change from a brown in summer to white in winter.
READ MORE: Visiting the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center
![Polar Bear Closeup in Churchill, Manitoba](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/Polar_Bear_Closeup_Churchill.jpg)
Latin Name: Ursus maritimus
Habitat: Arctic coastal areas
Size: Height 4.4 to 7.9 feet; Length 5.9 to 9.8 feet; Weight 900 to 1,600 pounds
Diet: Seals, whale carcasses, walruses, narwhals
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Other Polar Bear Facts: Polar Bears are classified as marine mammals because they spend the majority of their life on sea ice and depend on the ocean for food. Seals are their favorite snack, and are caught by using the ice as a hunting platform. They are also extremely good swimmers, and can swim for hours at speeds up to 6 mph.
READ MORE: Our Favorite Polar Bear Pictures from Churchill, Manitoba
![Reindeer Closeup in Finnish Lapland](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/12-reindeer.jpg)
Latin Name: Rangifer tarandus
Habitat: Arctic tundra and boreal forests
Size: Height 2.8 to 4.9 feet; Length 5,3 to 7 feet; Weight 180 to 400 pounds
Diet: Lichen, mosses, herbs, ferns, grasses
Conservation Status: Vulnerable, Population Decreasing
Other Reindeer Facts: Also known as Caribou in North America, Reindeer migrate longer distances than any other land mammal, traveling up to 3,100 miles per year. Although their noses aren’t actually glowing bright red, ready to save Christmas, they do come in handy by warming the frigid air they breathe before it enters their lungs.
READ MORE: Winter Adventures in Finnish Lapland
![Gray Wolf by christels from Pixabay](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Gray-Wolf-by-christels-from-Pixabay.jpg)
Latin Name: Canis lupus
Habitat: Tundra, forests, grasslands
Size: Height 2.2 to 2.7 feet; Length 3.9 to 6.6 feet; Weight 51 to 180 pounds
Diet: Deer, elk, bison, moose, beavers, rabbits
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Other Grey Wolf/Timberwolf Facts: These apex predators are highly social animals. They travel in packs led by a male and female alpha, who are monogamous and mate for life. They develop strong bonds with other wolves in the pack, and have developed a complex communication system using howling, barking, and body language.
READ MORE: Defenders of Wildlife Wolf Conservation Expert Suzanne Stone
![Atlantic White-sided Dolphin by Anna [CC BY-SA 4.0](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Atlantic_white-sided_dolphin-By_Anna_Own_work_CC-BY-SA-4.0.jpg)
Latin Name: Lagenorhynchus actus
Habitat: Temperate and subarctic waters of the North Atlantic
Size: Length 8 to 9.5 feet; Weight 425 to 525 pounds
Diet: Herring, smelt, hake, squid, shrimp
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Other Atlantic White-sided Dolphin Facts: These playful dolphins get their name from the white coloring of their belly and the white patch on the sides of their dorsal fin. They are a very social Arctic species, and travel in pods of up to 60 dolphins. They use echolocation to coordinate hunting attacks and navigate through the ocean.
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Latin Name: Delphinapterus leucas
Habitat: Arctic and subarctic waters
Size: Length 13 to 20 feet; Weight 2,000 to 3,000 pounds
Diet: Fish, crustaceans, worms
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Other Beluga Whale Facts: Also known as “white whales,” Belugas are some of the most beloved animals that live in the Arctic. They are very vocal, using a complex assortment of clicks and whistles to communicate with others in their pods. When diving, they can last up to 25 minutes on a single breath, reaching depths of 800 meters. They can also swim backwards!
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![Bowhead Whale](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Bowhead-Whale_by_Olga_Shpak_Marine_Mammal_Council_IEE_RAS.jpg)
Latin Name: Balaena mysticetus
Habitat: Arctic and subarctic waters
Size: Length 49 to 59 feet; Weight 220,500 pounds
Diet: Plankton, copepods, euphausiids
Conservation Status: Least Concern, Population Increasing
Other Bowhead/Greenland Whale Facts: The Bowhead Whale gets its name from the arched upper jaw, which is shaped like an archer’s bow. They’re one of the largest whale species: Their head takes up almost 1/3 of their body length, with a tongue weighing 2,000 pounds. They are also the oldest Arctic whale species, with a lifespan of up to 200 years.
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![Fin Whale](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Fin-Whale.jpg)
Latin Name: Balaenoptera physalus
Habitat: Deep waters of all major oceans
Size: Length 65 to 80 feet; Weight 260,000 pounds
Diet: Crustaceans, fish, squid, krill
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Other Fin Whale Facts: Fin Whales have a sleek body with a v-shaped head. Despite their large size, they’re fast swimmers, traveling at speeds up to 23 mph. They are more solitary than other whales, and tend to travel alone or in small pods. But during periods of feeding they can get into pods of up to 100 members.
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![Adult Gray Whale with calf](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Gray-Whale-and-Calf.jpg)
Latin Name: Eschrichtius robustus
Habitat: Shallow coastal Pacific Ocean waters
Size: Length 40 to 50 feet; Weight 60,000 to 80,000 pounds
Diet: Shrimp, krill, small fish
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Other Gray Whale Facts: Almost hunted to extinction in the 17th to 20th centuries, Gray Whales are now a protected species, with laws against hunting them. They migrate for long periods of time and stay close to shore, making them a spectacle for many whale-watching excursions. Known to be quite curious, they also have a tendency to approach small boats.
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![Minke Whale](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Minke-Whale-Balaenoptera_acutorostrata_Saint-Laurent.jpg)
Latin Name: Balaenoptera acutorostrata
Habitat: Northern Pacific
Size: Length 26 to 31 feet; Weight 20,000 pounds
Diet: Krill, crustaceans, plankton, small fish
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Other Minke Whale Facts: Minkes are the smallest baleen whale, but can make vocalizations said to be as loud as a jet taking off! Minkes are solitary and tend to hunt alone, but can reach speeds of up to 25 mph. They are unfortunately known for being quite smelly, earning them the nickname “stinky minkes.”
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![Humpback Whale](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Humpback-Whale.jpg)
Latin Name: Megaptera novaeangliae
Habitat: All major oceans (except polar seas) in open and shallow, coastline waters
Size: Length 48 to 62.5 feet; Weight 80,000 pounds
Diet: Krill, plankton, small fish
Conservation Status: Least Concern, Population Increasing
Other Humpback Whale Facts: Humpback whales get their name from the shape of their dorsal fin and the way they maneuver their back when they go for a dive. Much like a fingerprint, the tail of every Humpback Whale is different. They’re also known for their complex songs, which can go on for hours.
READ MORE: Whales That Live in Antarctica
![Long-finned pilot whale spyhopping in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Pilot-Whale_Globicephala_melas_Cape_Breton.jpg)
Latin Name: Globicephala melas
Habitat: North Atlantic Ocean and temperate, cold waters of the southern hemisphere
Size: Length 19 to 25 feet; Weight 2,900 to 5,000 pounds
Diet: Fish, cephalopods, crustaceans
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Other Long-finned Pilot Whale Facts: Despite their name, these Arctic marine animals actually belong to the Dolphin family. They develop strong bonds, often living in the same pod their entire lives. Their pods can reach hundreds of members, and in some cases 1,000+.
READ MORE: Faroe Islands Whale Hunting- Culture vs. Conservation
![Orcas in Alaska (Kenai National Park)](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Orca-in-Kenai-NP.jpg)
Latin Name: Orcinus orca
Habitat: All major oceans
Size: Length 23 to 32 feet; Weight 12,000 pounds
Diet: Fish, penguins, seals, sea lions, whales
Conservation Status: Data deficient
Other Orca Facts: Given the misnomer “Killer Whale” by sailors who saw them attack larger marine mammals, Orcas are actually the largest Dolphin species. Recognized by their shiny black and white color, they’re highly intelligent and can swim at speeds of 33 mph. Orcas hunt in packs and have various unique hunting tactics for capturing their prey.
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![A pod of narwhals.](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Narwal_Pod_Monodon_monoceros.jpg)
Latin Name: Monodon monoceros
Habitat: Arctic seas
Size: Length 13 to 20 feet; Weight 3,000 pounds
Diet: Squid, shrimp, flounder, crab
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Other Narwhal Facts: Known as the “Unicorn of the sea,” male Narwhals have a tooth growing through their upper lip into a spiral tusk that reaches up to 10 feet. The reason for the tusk is unknown, but scientists believe it’s used for communication and/or mating rituals. These unique Arctic creatures travel in groups of 15 to 20, but have been spotted by the hundreds.
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![Bearded Seal](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Bearded-Seal-ErignathusBarbatus.jpg)
Latin Name: Erignathus barbatus
Habitat: Arctic and subarctic waters
Size: Length 6.5 to 7 feet; Weight 400 to 700 pounds
Diet: Shrimp, clams, crabs, welks
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Other Bearded Seal Facts: Bearded Seals get their name from their long, thick whiskers. They’re the largest of the Arctic seals, but are solitary animals that tend to stay to themselves. Male Bearded Seals are quite vocal, and can be heard from almost 13 miles away! It is believed that this vocalization is used to establish territory and attract a mate.
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![Greenland Shark](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Greenland-Shark-Somniosus_microcephalus_okeanos.jpg)
Latin Name: Somniosus microcephalus
Habitat: Deep arctic and subarctic waters
Size: Length 8 to 21 feet; Weight 2,200 pounds
Diet: Fish, eels, herring, capelin, cod
Conservation Status: Near Threatened
Other Greenland Shark Facts: The Greenland Shark is the largest Arctic fish, and the longest vertebrate on Earth. Their flesh contains high levels of trimethylamine oxide, which, if ingested, can cause horrible symptoms or even death. Early Viking settlers discovered the flesh could be eaten if prepared by being buried in the ground for weeks and hung to dry for months.
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![Harp Seal, Mother & Pup by Visit Greenland](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Harp_seal_mother_and_pup.jpg)
Latin Name: Pagophilus groenlandicus
Habitat: Northern Atlantic and Arctic Oceans
Size: Length 5.25 to 6.25 feet; Weight 400 pounds
Diet: Fish, crustaceans
Conservation Status: Least Concern, Population Increasing
Other Harp Seal Facts: Harp Seals breed on land, but tend to spend the majority of their lives at sea. They are agile swimmers who can dive and stay submerged for 15 minutes at a time. They’re extremely social animals that like to travel and hunt in large pods ranging from dozens to hundreds of members.
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![Researcher with a hooded seal pup on ice in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Hooded_seal.jpg)
Latin Name: Cystophora cristata
Habitat: North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans
Size: Length 6.5 to 8.5 feet; Weight 320 to 776 pounds
Diet: Crustaceans, krill, fish, squid
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Other Hooded Seal Facts: Hooded Seals get their name from the inflatable hood atop of males’ heads, which is used to show aggression and attract mates. They are solitary animals and only gather with other Hooded Seals to mate. They are often territorial, and can become quite aggressive when acting in self-defense.
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![Ribbon Seal](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Male_Ribbon_Seal_Ozernoy_Gulf_Russia.jpg)
Latin Name: Histriophoca fasciata
Habitat: Arctic and subarctic regions of the North Pacific Ocean
Size: Length 5 to 6 feet; Weight 200 to 330 pounds
Diet: Shrimp, cephalopods, fish
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Other Ribbon Seal Facts: Getting its name from the ribboned patterned of light and dark coloring that encircles their body, these are one of the most distinctive Arctic region animals. Unlike other Arctic seals, which move by pulling both their front flippers in sync, Ribbon Seals move their fore-flippers one at a time while moving their head and hips from side to side.
![Ringed Seal Pusa hispida hispida](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Ringed-Seal_Pusa_hispida_hispida_NOAA.jpg)
Latin Name: Pusa hispida
Habitat: Arctic and North Pacific Ocean
Size: Length 4 to 5 feet; Weight 110 to 150 pounds
Diet: Shrimp, mysids, cod, crustaceans
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Other Ringed Seal Facts: The Ringed Seal is the smallest Arctic seal species, but has the largest population. They spend most of their time near the shore, but can dive nearly 300 feet down for up to 45 minutes. To make sure there are no hungry Polar Bears waiting to eat them, these seals will often blow bubbles up to their breathing hole before surfacing.
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![Sea Otters in Alaska (Kenai National Park)](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Sea-Otters-in-Kenai-NP.jpg)
Latin Name: Enhydra lutris
Habitat: Coasts of the Pacific Ocean in North America and Asia
Size: Length 3.3 to 4.9 feet; Weight 31 to 99 pounds
Diet: Clams, mussels, sea urchins, snails
Conservation Status: Endangered, Population Decreasing
Other Sea Otter Facts: These adorable but endangered Arctic animals are a keystone species who help control urchin populations that would otherwise be harmful to the environment. They use rocks to open their shellfish prey, then float on their backs to eat while using their chest as a table. Sea Otters are also known to sleep while holding paws to keep from drifting away!
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![Spotted Seal](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Spotted-Seal-Phoca_largha_Bering_Sea.jpg)
Latin Name: Phoca largha
Habitat: Arctic and subarctic waters close in the North Pacific Ocean
Size: Length 4.5 to 5.5 feet; Weight 140 to 250 pounds
Diet: Krill, crustaceans, fish
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Other Spotted Seal Facts: Spotted Seals are hard to observe because they tend to dive into the water if they sense any possible threat. They are monogamous and breed on the ice, but tend to spend the rest of their time at sea. Spotted Seal pups are born all white and ultimately gain their spots as they reach sexual maturity.
![Bull Walrus and cow on ice](http://greenglobaltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/bull-walrus-1030287_1280.jpg)
Latin Name: Odobenus rosmarus
Habitat: Arctic Circle
Size: Length 7.25 to 11.5 feet; Weight 3,000 pounds
Diet: Mollusks, worms, crustaceans, shellfish
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Other Walrus Facts: These massive Arctic Circle animals are famous for their striking whiskers and long tusks. Their mustaches are used to detect shellfish on the ocean floor, while their tusks can poke holes in ice to hoist them out of the water. They’re very social, often hanging out in large groups known as herds. They like to bellow and grunt with their fellow Walruses, but can get aggressive during mating season. –by Christina Maggitas
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